My artistic expression is a celebration of the seamless connections between disciplines, a testament to the boundless possibilities that emerge when one embraces the overlap of seemingly disparate realms. It is an exploration of the transitions that define not only my work but the very essence of a creative life—one that evolves, adapts, and continues to weave a narrative that transcends the confines of any single medium.

As a painter, I navigate the vast terrain of emotions and ideas, creating visual narratives that reflect the intricacies of the human experience. The canvas is a realm where colors and textures intertwine, mirroring the complexities of life itself. Simultaneously, my engagement in landscape design brings an additional layer of depth, an exploration of the symbiotic relationship between the natural and the man-made. I employ the same design rigor to my paintings as I do to my landscape work - but in the paintings, I can let go. Each stroke of the brush, every curated pattern, speaks to a profound connection with the environment and an exploration of the intricate relationships between the elements.

While deeply connected to the landscape, my work transcends literal representation. It is an exploration of the emotional and psychological topography rather than a mere depiction of physical surroundings. The elemental vocabulary becomes a universal language, one that speaks to the shared human experience of struggle and resilience.

In the midst of these creative intersections, I find solace and inspiration in the power of transitions. Life is a constant flux, and my work encapsulates the beauty found within these moments of change. It speaks to the evolving seasons of creativity, where the landscape of ideas shifts and transforms, mirroring the dynamic ebb and flow of the world around us. My curiosity extends to the crevices, edges, and margins—those often-overlooked spaces where resilience is tested and survival becomes an art in itself.

Looking at artists through the lens of their surroundings can lead to new insights into their artistic techniques, processes, and beliefs and this is particularly true for me.

I experiment and develop my creative ideas in my studio as well as in the architectural and garden spaces that surround me - both inside and outside

In these spaces, my overall art and design are developed - the art of landscape design, painting, and sculpture are continually in process. My series work continues to evolve and be tested in place before going out into the world, and plans for future artworks are in development here.